Why Can Body Tired???

Why does the body often become tired even though you feel your sleep sufficient? It's an interesting issue and we really need have a true concern for our health and way of life be good to ourselves. In fact among us (students) who get up early every day to go to college. But at night weeks or on days off we sleep too much than usual. Few of us would sleep until the middle of the day on the grounds to acquire fully indemnify hours of sleep that is not in obtained on weekdays.

Actually, this action is wrong. Word Timothy Rogers, Steering Center for the Study of Hospital Sleep Problems Henry Ford in Detroit, he said I slept so annoying Biological Clock. Biological clock in our bodies is actually affect our health. So if the way we like to sleep I mentioned earlier that in the days of work we get up early on a regular basis but on weekends or leave us no longer common follow that schedule. So I slept so damaging biological clock found in our bodies. The result body we become tired even though we slept enough.


Bartolomeo said...

if you oversleep, the longer you stay in bed, the more tired you will feel during the day

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