When is the Right Time to Eat Fruit, Before or After Eating?

Fruits are rich in fiber and vitamins. But not many people know when to eat fruit right time, before or after dinner?

There are so many benefits gained by eating the fruit regularly. The fruit is rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals and most importantly the fruit dyes (phytochemicals) as an antioxidant.

Fruit is a tool for detoxification and provider of natural sugar. When eaten in the right way, then the fruit will be very beneficial to the human body. Eat 3 servings of fruit each day can cleanse your body of toxins and helps the digestive system.

Then when to eat fruit that is correct, before or after meals?

"Our digestive system has been created to perfection. So eat the fruit may at any time, either before or after meals," Dr. Samuel Oetoro, SpG.K., clinical nutritionist FKUI-RSCM, in the article ever written detikHealth.

If you do not have a stomach problem, then eat fruit before a meal will give the best results. This will make the nutrients in the fruit will be more absorbed by the body.

For people who want to lose weight, eat fruit should be done before meals, for the stomach feel full faster.

But for people with certain diseases such as gastritis or ulcer, you should eat fruit after meals so as not to increase stomach acid.

Here are some tips on the correct way to eat fruit for maximum benefits to the body, as reported by Lifemojo:

  1. Eating fruit on an empty stomach. This will make the absorption by the body to a maximum fruit.
  2. After eating the fruit, give a grace period of 30 minutes before you eat other foods.
  3. If you want to eat fruit after a meal, then you should wait about 3 hours before eating fruit. This is to ensure that the food had previously been digested by the body before the fruit enters the body.
  4. Try to eat fruit in the morning. This helps to increase blood sugar slowly and not in a hurry. Because the digestive system have been silent all night, eating fruit is a gentle way of restarting in the morning.
  5. Do not eat the fruit along with other foods
  6. Eating fruit as a dessert does not give the best results for body
  7. Eat organic fruits to avoid the effects of pesticides remaining
  8. Avoid canned fruit, frozen fruit or fruit that has been processed. The fruits that are processed normally contain much sugar, preservatives or other chemical additives are not desired.

Fruits That Are Safe For Person With Diabetes

People with diabetes do have pretty good care of his food, including sweet fruits. But that does not mean that diabetics should not eat fruit. Here are some pieces that are suitable for diabetics.

Diabetics cannot eat food carelessly let alone related to glucose, hence the strict controls required to minimize the adverse impacts that may arise.

People with diabetes should eat foods with low glycemic index, i.e. below 55. This is to help prevent blood sugar spikes that make diabetes worse.

Glycemic index (GI) is the scale or number given to certain foods based on how big these foods increase blood sugar levels, the scale used is 0-100. Called low-glycemic index when they're on a scale of less than 50, medium glycemic index if its value is 50-70 and high glycemic index if the number is above 70.

Here are some fruits that can and is suitable for diabetics, as reported by the LIVESTRONG, namely:

1. Apple

Glycemic Edge reported that pectin, are a compound that are found on the skin and flesh of apples, is effective to help treat diabetes. These compounds help detoxify the body and reduce the insulin the body needs about 35 percent. Eating an apple that has a glycemic index of 40 can also help improve the regulation of blood sugar levels.

George Mateljan Foundation for the World's Healthiest Foods, citing a research study published in the Journal of Medicinal Food September 2010 edition, shows the enzyme in apple affects carbohydrate digestion, which reduces the absorption of glucose in the digestive tract and stimulates the pancreas to produce more insulin. This condition will help you better balance blood sugar levels.

2. Strawberries
Strawberries play a role in the diet of people suffering from diabetes. American Diabetes Association, call berries including strawberries as a 'super food' because it has a low glycemic index, which is a 40 to 120 g strawberry.

Strawberries also contain lots of fiber, nutrients and antioxidants. Eating strawberries may help reduce the risk of heart disease, a serious risk for diabetics.

3. Grapefruit
Grapefruit has a glycemic index of 25 per 120 grams, it can help improve insulin sensitivity, an important feature because insulin helps to release sugar into the bloodstream and directly impact on blood sugar levels.

Grapefruit increased alkali reserve in the blood, which can resist the acidity of diabetes in people with diabetes.

4. Avocado
Avocado effective in reducing cholesterol in people with diabetes to maintain the level of triglycerides in the blood, according to William Castelli in Cholesterol Cures book.

Avocados are low in carbohydrates and contain healthy fats can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes in women and men who already have a high risk. High levels of vitamin E in avocados also improve insulin action by inhibiting the binding of glucose to low density lipoprotein.

Sugar Not Make Children Become Hyperactive

During this time it was thought that a lot of sweet foods or sugar can make children become hyperactive. But it was such an assumption is wrong and there is no relationship between sugar with hyperactivity.

Pediatricians and nutritionists’ reveals that there has been no scientific evidence that sugar can make children become hyperactive.

"There are no studies showing that sugar in the diet can make the children become too active or to make a deficit of attention," said Dr. Kleinman, professor of pediatrics at Harvard Medical School in Boston, as quoted from Health.Ninemsn.

In all studies conducted over many years there are no results that show that sugar can cause children to become hyperactive. Hence Dr Kelinman said that sugar is not the culprit but there is a possibility that affect the environment.

"If parents bring a child into a quiet place such as a place of worship the children will sit quietly, but if taken to a crowded place like the park will make it more active. This shows that the environment and affect the child's activity," he said.

Sugar in a certain amount can provide health benefits for a child one of which is to help provide peace for the child, and gave him the energy to do the activity.

Eating sugar is known to increase the energy in the short term on everyone, but this condition is not the same with hyperactivity or become hyperactive.

Still does not mean the kids should eat sugar-free, because eating too much sugar can increase the risk of tooth decay and obesity. In addition, parents can begin to familiarize your child not to eat too much sugar in her diet.

Meanwhile in a separate study found that the synthetic food dyes are known to cause children to become hyperactive, especially in children who had been diagnosed with hyperactivity disorder.

Prevent Hungry While Diet

We're trying to lose weight or go on a diet, there is one thing that might be hard to do that is hungry. But there are some tricks that can be done to hold the hungry during the diet.

Hunger is a serious battle that must be experienced by many people when trying to lose or try to maintain ideal weight. Hunger is a complex process and involves many systems in the body including the stomach, brain and intestine.

Yet there are some things that have been proven to control hunger and help a person eat fewer calories. Dr. Melina Jampolis a nutritionist from San Francisco said there are several things you can do when hungry, as quoted by CNN, namely:

1. Eating calorie dense than the liquid calories
The experts said that solid foods have been proven to be more satiating than liquid food. A study conducted by researcher Dr. Barbara Rolls show more filling than fruit juice apple apples.

This is because if you eat solid food chewing first person who is beginning the process of digestion and the release of enzymes that began to trigger a feeling of satiety. So even though fruit and apple juice have the same calories, a person will feel fuller when eating them in the form of fruit.

2. Limiting sugary drinks and alcohol
Try to limit sugary drinks and alcohol because it contains no calories so it will not make a person feel full that it can trigger it to eat more.

3. Water-soluble fiber
These foods can play a very important role in providing a feeling of fullness. This is because the food will form a gel when mixed with water in the stomach which can slow the emptying of food from the stomach, slowing the absorption of blood sugar and delay hunger.

These conditions will allow food more contact with the intestinal wall which helped the release of satiety hormones. Sources of water-soluble fibers such as wheat, beans, apples, strawberries, carrots, sweet potatoes, grapes, oranges, pears and plums.

4. Protein
Protein is an important component in maintaining weight and creates a feeling of satiety. This is because the protein triggers the release of satiety hormones and can help keep blood sugar levels to stabilize so that it can control hunger.

A good source of protein such as skinless poultry, fish, lean red meat, dairy-free or low-fat, egg whites and if you're traveling can eat protein bars without sugar or fat.

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