Sports that Make People Younger

So many studies that state that running had many advantages. JoAnn Manson, MD, chief of preventive medicine of Brigham and Women's Hospital said that many who come to the health benefits of exercise are quite challenging, like running. These include the following:

The man who ran about 56 miles per week were found to have vision that is much more than about 54 percent of people who only ran about 16 miles per week.

Keeping the Heart
Runners who jog about 16 miles or more per week were 39 percent lower risk of drug addiction and reduce high blood pressure about 34 percent of drugs lowering cholesterol levels than those who run no more than 4 miles per week.

Strong Bones
Running turned out to help strengthen bones better than aerobic activity. The researchers looked at the University of Missouri found this from a comparison with the bike. Approximately 63 percent of cyclists have low bone density in spine and hip, while only 19 percent of runners found that experienced this.

Quick Thinking
A survey ever carried out against some employees in the UK. They were asked to measure the concentration level and work on the day they exercise in the days running and when they ran in the morning. The survey says that on the day they ran, the level of concentration and labor productivity has improved and fewer mistakes.
Good Focus
A study written in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society reported that a woman who is active as a teenager away from the risk of dementia at the age he continued. This means that running can keep us from aging effects longer.

Sleep soundly
The researchers looked at the effects of running on the people who have insomnia condition. On the day they ran, it was found that they could not sleep after 17 minutes of lying down, while on the day they do not run, they took about 38 minutes to get to sleep. In fact they also sleep an hour longer in the next day.

Upper Respiratory Tract Infection
Those who ran an hour per day reduced the risk by 18 percent exposed to upper respiratory infections than those who are inactive, according to a study in Sweden. Apparently secondary activity can increase the body's immune.

Better Breathing
The researchers asked respondents with asthma condition to perform cardio and strength training routine for 3 months. As a result, they reduced respiratory problems.

Living Longer
A summary of 22 studies found that people who exercise about 2.5 hours per week to reduce the 19 percent risk of dying at a young age than those who do not exercise. Other studies say that they are active 50 percent lower risk of dying too early.


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