Blinding Light Can Really Make Sneezing?

Staring at the sun directly is usually just makes your eyes sting because of too much glare. But for 18-35 percent of people who have photic sneeze reflex, against the sun can also make your nose itch and sneezing.
One of the patients with this disorder is Dr. Roberta Pagon, strike pediatrician from Seattle Children's Hospital. Every time his eyes staring at the sun, his reaction was immediate sneezing and not once but three times in a row.
Histories of sneezing as she gazed at the sun are also experienced by the two sons of Dr. Pagon, who happened to be always sneezing 3 times. Now, his grandson also started to show a similar trend although the number of sneezes which is only a little more time.
At a scientific conference, Dr. Pagon again found that 4 of 10 colleagues also have a tendency sneeze when looking at the sun. Sneezing sometimes also occur when other light sources involves blinding, like a camera flash.
After discussion, Dr. Pagon and some colleagues made an acronym or abbreviation for acquired problems that ACHOO Syndrome. Autosomal Dominant Compelling is Helio-Ophthalmic Outburst (ACHOO), among others, passed on through genes.
Although it sounds unique, a tendency to sneeze when looking at the sun or who have a photic sneeze reflex the official term is actually not really rare. An estimated 18-35 percent of the human experience with the severity of which varies.
Dr. Pagon added, there are at least two theories that could explain this trend. First, the sneeze reflex is formed in the brain stem or spinal cord that works very sensitive to light, especially the dazzling effect.
The second possibility is the position of the optic nerve is too close to the trigeminal nerves that also come into play when sneezing. Nicolas Langer, PhD, neurosurgeon at the University of Zurich said, if the optic nerve trigeminal nerve is activated it will immediately trigger a sneeze.
In general, these disorders do not cause serious harm. However, as quoted by MSNBC, the disorder can be very dangerous for certain professions such as airline pilots, baseball and other extreme activities that require concentration.

Good Nutrition Consumed Before Jogging

Morning exercise like jogging is good for maintaining health and awakens energy throughout the day. Before you go jogging, you should first fill the stomach with snacks, so do not experience cramps or weakness in the middle of the road.

Run or walk in the morning on an empty stomach can make you do not have the energy, while eating right before the run or eating too much can cause nausea or digestive problems. Eat at least one hour before exercise in the morning.

Following a good nutrition is consumed before a morning run:

1. Banana
Bananas offer a choice of fast food is easily digested before the morning run. Bananas provide the carbohydrates, magnesium and potassium are beneficial to runners.

Carbohydrates provide energy, while potassium and magnesium work against cramps and replace substances lost through sweating. High water content in the fruit also helps to overcome dehydration.

2. Bagel and Peanut Butter
Wheat bagels are a source of carbohydrate that works well as a meal before the morning run. Thin layer of peanut butter on a bagel can provide some protein to help you feel full. Stay away from too much butter fat can cause digestive problems.

3. Oatmeal
Oatmeal is a healthy breakfast foods to fuel your morning run, providing carbohydrates and proteins. To sweeten the oatmeal, add fruit such as bananas. To save time, cook a big batch of oatmeal before. Heat in the microwave and then eat before your morning run, so you can go out faster.

4. Yogurt
All yogurts contain protein, but Greek yogurt contains more than usual. This is the right choice before a morning run to supply the body with carbohydrates. Mix plain yogurt with fresh fruit for a healthy choice.

5. Fluid
Hydration is a critical component to prepare for any activity. Drink plenty of water before a morning run to hydrate the body. Continue to drink water during exercise to maintain body hydration level.

Always Required For Healthy Body

Each person must have longed for a healthy body and strong, so free from disease. To get a healthy body there are four things to watch. What is it?

Many people who regretted his life when his health deteriorates with age, so as not to feel sorry later on there are steps that need to be done to keep the body healthy and able to maintain the quality of life.

The following things should be done to a healthy body, namely:

1. Healthy Food
To stay healthy, fit body requires nutrients that provide enough calories, vitamins, minerals and fiber so that someone in top shape. This fits the nutrients to be healthy and balanced, including grains, fruits and vegetables.

Subsequently required a varied diet in the sense that contains various kinds of food with all the nutrients your body needs.

2. Sport
Exercise can save someone's life and improve quality of life at her age. Many people think sport should be severe, painful and strong, but it's not true at all.

According to Harvard Medical School's Harvard Health Publication, excercise to health is to use large muscle groups in the normal manner but repetitive. Physical activity and healthy diets provide enormous health benefits.

3. Peace of Mind
Feelings of anxiety, stress, phobias, fear and worry can affect health, because it can drain energy and disruptive activities. Required intake of vitamin B complex, especially pantothenic acid that plays an important role in the production of anti-stress hormones.

4. Get a Good Night's Sleep
Normal sleep cycle involves four distinct phases to allow the body is slowly getting to go deeper. According to the Mayo Clinic, sleep disorders can have a deep effect on the health and life, like so tired during the day, prone to accidents. It is important to get a good night's sleep to keep the body fit and healthy again.

Laugh Benefit Equal to Exercise

Laugh for the health properties have no doubt. Laughter is known to relieve pain and reduce stress, strengthen social ties and enhance the immune system response.

Recent research has shown that laughter can actually be a form of exercise. Some findings regarding gelotology, branch of science that studies about the laughs, shows that laughter can produce some positive effects are the same as exercising.

In one study, researchers asked 300 volunteers to watch a sad movie video titled 'Saving Private Ryan' and comedy. The findings suggest that an increase in 30-40 percent of the diameter of the coronary arteries while watching funny than when watching a movie thriller.

Dilation of blood vessels that occurs is similar to that experienced by the body when undergoing exercise. When berolaharga and laughing, there was a variety of important processes that help the body regulate blood flow and reduce inflammation.

"Previous studies have shown that mental stress causes blood vessels to constrict," said researcher Dr. Michael Miller, Professor of Medicine of the University of Maryland School of Medicine in Baltimore.

When study participants watched a sad movie, blood in response unhealthy called vasoconstriction and reduced blood flow. This finding confirms previous studies showing no link between stress and the narrowing of blood vessels. But after watching a funny movie, lining the blood vessels expand.

Currently, there is a type of yoga also incorporates elements of laughter, which combines laughter with breathing techniques. This method is increasingly popular and much demand. Nevertheless, laughing still can not be categorized as a sport. Other studies have shown that exercise should be done seriously to see the real effect on the muscle.

In order to maintain health, do regular cardio exercise for 30 minutes 4-5 times per week. But do not forget to keep laughing. Research shows that laughter can be an effective closer with strangers and make new friends. And increasing social support adds meaning friend who proved to improve health.

Vegetables and Fruits to Avoid While Pregnant

Pregnancy is a time of importance to women. At these times, pregnant women should really pay attention to foods that are inserted into the body, including fruits and vegetables. There are some fruits and vegetables that should be avoided while the mother is pregnant.

During pregnancy, a woman does have a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits. However, some vegetables and fruits should be avoided because it can affect the health of mother and fetus.

Here are a few vegetables and fruits should be avoided during pregnancy:

1. Papaya
Many cultures believe that eating papaya is not good while pregnant. Papaya intake was able to make the mother gave birth early. Papaya, especially the raw and partially cooked, rich in latex is known to trigger uterine contractions. Papaya should be avoided in the final trimester of pregnancy.

Pregnant women should eat papaya from a truly mature. Ripe papaya is rich in vitamins such as vitamin C and other healthy nutrients, which can prevent the onset of symptoms of heartburn and constipation.

2. Pineapple
Pineapple is also considered not good for pregnancy. Pineapple contains bromelain which can lead to softening of the cervix that lead to premature labor. Pineapples should be avoided especially in the early trimester to avoid unexpected events such as softening of the cervix.

3. Wine
It has been suggested by many medical professionals that in the final trimester pregnant women should avoid fruits like grapes because it can lead to heat content.

4. Raw Fruits and Vegetables are not Washed
The most important advice for pregnant women is to avoid vegetables and fruits are not washed or pasteurized during pregnancy. Food hygiene is very important given during pregnancy to avoid infection from toxoplasmosis.

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