The first man in the UK with the Bionic Body

Chris Taylor lost his right hand in a jet-ski accident that occurred terrible four years ago. At that time, Chris could just let go and think that will end his career as engineer. But who would have thought if Chris is now able to go back up the stairs, clutching a rope to perform complex jobs such as installing wiring in the house thanks to a bionic hand which was recently acquired. Chris is the first person in the UK is fortunate to get the 'Michaelangelo Hand', a unique prosthetic organ that has a radius of electronics. This means that Chris can move the fifth finger with his right arm muscles as well as the original hand. 47,000 pounds for this device has a number of electrodes that can sense the movement of the muscle,...

Natural Foods That Can Overcome Asthma

Asthma is a condition where there is inflammation of the airways and partly triggered by allergies. To reduce risk of asthma or to prevent the recurrence of symptoms of asthma, you need to change your intake of foods that support the condition. Here are 9 foods that can help fight asthma naturally: 1. Avocado Avocados are known to contain the highest concentration of L-glutathione, an anti-asthma foods that can protect cells against damage from free radicals, and detoxifying the body from pollutants and other harmful substances. L-glutathione in avocado can also help quells systemic inflammation and improve gut health is damaged, a process which in turn can help prevent asthma triggers. 2. Cabbage Cabbage is a natural source...

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