8 Tips for Achieving Happiness Wedding

Number of exposure and the trials of life make a lot of couples who give up and finally decided to separate. Here are 8 tips to help you keep the marriage bond to be able to survive even in the face a variety of exams. 1. Have a quality communications Strengthen your relationship with regular communication and quality. Do not hesitate to ask the little things like, "Having eat?" "How was your day at the office?" or "What you do today, honey?" These questions may seem trivial, but great things often start from the events of 'small' sort of thing. Your attention will make the day better. Even if there is no problem, the questions posed on the basis of that love can certainly make a flowery heart. Get used to talk about things no matter how...

Today Tips

"Country dance movement can help bone density, strength at the ankles, stability and balanc...

Music Therapy Relieve Depression

Listening to music at leisure or when off work, can help create a more relaxed mind and body and restore energy. In fact, when listening to music on a regular basis in a timely manner, it can become a therapy that brings greater benefits to health. One of them is to eliminate depression, and even reduce the risk of cancer. Listening to music alone is not therapy even though many people who listen to music a positive benefit, such as more relaxed and improve your mood, In addition, the use of music therapy can be widely applied to all the people in various conditions. Music therapy can be done to reduce the anxiety of patients who underwent various operations or a series of heavy process in the hospital. Because, the music will help reduce...

10 Foods Natural Body Immune System Amplifier

1. Green tea Green tea contains antioxidant EGCG, which may reduce the risk of various types of cancer. Susan Bowerman, assistant director at the Center for Human Nutrition, University of California, Los Angeles revealed "phytonutrients in tea also supports the growth of good bacteria in the digestive tract. " According to him, phytonutrients works by inhibiting the growth of bad bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract such as E. ****, Clostridium, and Salmonella, so that good bacteria work is not disrupted. This is important because, 70% of the body's immune system in the gastrointestinal tract. Self-consumption of 4 cups of green tea a day to get the benefits. 2. Chili "Chili stimulate metabolism, acting as a natural blood thinner and helps...

Today Tips

"Citrus fruit, nut outer skin, seeds, green plants, fish and raw egg yolks that contain lots of manganese minerals can relieve fatigue, reduce nervousness, and increased intelligenc...

Brushing Teeth is Not Guaranteed Caries

Cleaning your teeth with brushing is believed not guarantee the occurrence of caries because there are some leftovers stuck in between teeth and hard to break through that process. "Teeth are very sensitive body parts and thus require intensive care," said Professor of the University of Airlangga to 391 scientific papers under the title New Paradigm in Management of Dental Caries, Prof. Dr. Sri Kunarti Prijambodo, drg., MS., Sp. KG (K), at Surabaya on Thursday. According to him, caries is identified as the loss of mineral ions from the enamel of the tooth crown and root surfaces are kept - and again. Cause, stimulated the presence of bacterial flora of certain products such as many foods contain sugar. "Initially, mineral ions lost in the...

Behavior that Supports Presence of Early Menopause

Menopause is a natural process that can not be prevented. The term menopause is defined as the last time a woman is menstruating. It usually occurs around age 50 years or age range 45 to 55 years. However, make no mistake, menopause can happen to a woman at age before 40 years. This condition is called premature menopause. According to Prof Dr Med Ali Baziad SpOG (K) of the RSCM, premature menopause usually occurs in the age range of 35, or 38 years to 40 years. "Based on the daily practice of early menopause numbers continue to grow," he said. Approximately six months prior to menopause, commonly known as the premenopausal period, women will experience a sudden decline in estrogen levels. And, a woman called into the postmenopausal period...

Decrease Breast Without Surgery

So far, most people try to enlarge her breasts, while not a few who feel tortured with breast size is too large. This is her way down the breast without surgery. Large breasts can cause back pain and have bad posture because it tends to lean forward which causes the body to slouch. One of the fastest methods to reduce them is by surgery. But these procedures are very expensive, time for recovery and the risks that might arise during surgery. Most large breasts consist of fat tissue, so some weight loss programs are safe to be plihan to reduce breast size without surgery. Here's how to reduce breast size naturally, namely: 1. Diet Balanced diet becomes an important part of any weight loss effort. Eat foods rich in nutrients but low in calories...

Today Tips

"Walking on a regular basis with a minimum distance of 10 km in a week can preserve brain health, thus reducing the risk of dementi...

Benefits of Organic Food

Organic foods are better for our health and fitness. These foods are certified and produced as per the standards without the use of harmful chemicals. Organic foods are more nutritious, richer in vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids than non-organic foods. Let’s check out some benefits of Organic Food. Benefits of Organic Food 1. More Nutrients : Organic food contain 10-50% higher amount of nutrients as compared to the conventional food. 2. No Artificial Pesticides : The use of artificial pesticides is banned on the organic farms and natural pesticides are used in its place. So, organic products like organic meat and organic milk does not contain any residual antibiotics, growth hormones, pesticides or BSE. 3. Better Immune...

Healthy Eating Tips for Diabetics

Eating moderately is a KEY for people with diabetes. Healthy eating for diabetics means intake of smart diet which includes combination of fruits, vegetables, grains, milk and avoiding meat, sweets, fats. To get a balanced and nutrients rich diet, eat variety of foods as suggested in the Diabetes Food Pyrami...

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