Blinding Light Can Really Make Sneezing?

Staring at the sun directly is usually just makes your eyes sting because of too much glare. But for 18-35 percent of people who have photic sneeze reflex, against the sun can also make your nose itch and sneezing. One of the patients with this disorder is Dr. Roberta Pagon, strike pediatrician from Seattle Children's Hospital. Every time his eyes staring at the sun, his reaction was immediate sneezing and not once but three times in a row. Histories of sneezing as she gazed at the sun are also experienced by the two sons of Dr. Pagon, who happened to be always sneezing 3 times. Now, his grandson also started to show a similar trend although the number of sneezes which is only a little more time. At a scientific conference, Dr. Pagon...

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