Breakfast with Tuna Salad Let The Spirit

One of the healthy foods that can be breakfast menu is tuna. Can be processed into a salad or a side dish of rice stuffing is delicious. The fish contains a number of essential nutrients that can improve your mood. Tuna is one of the good alternatives for breakfast rich in protein content. Also a number of essential nutrients such as minerals selenium, magnesium, potassium, vitamin B complex. Tuna is also rich in omega-3 are known to have many benefits. Consumption of tuna are rich in omega-3 can maintain eye health. Omega-3 prevents macular decline, a condition in which vision is getting worse and will lose sight at the age of over 50 years. In addition, several studies have also pointed out that consumption of these nutrients reduce...

Greek Yogurt, Alternative Sources of Protein

In April 2013, the USDA will launch a new program that puts Greek Yogurt as an alternative protein or meat. Especially for the school lunch menu. This effort is also to support dairy producers in America. Senator Charles E. Schummer who petitioned as Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack last June to add Greek yogurt to the list of proteins that meet the standards of the USDA lunch. This movement is also providing support to dairy producers and Greek Yogurt in New York such as Chobani and Fage. Previously, USDA approved meat substitutes are several options such as tofu, nuts, seeds, cheese, and eggs. Kevin Concannon, USDA Undersecretary for Food, Nutrition and Consumer Services, tells Schummer about this decision. USDA will review...

Digestive Health with breakfast Avocado and Oatmeal

Nutrition support bowel movement is needed in order to stay healthy digestion. A bowl of oatmeal is rich in fiber with avocado rich in vitamin A can maintain healthy digestion. Keeping the intake of nutrients in the body can have a big impact on the performance of the digestive system to digest food, absorb nutrients and remove waste. Fiber into the number one nutritional content needed to support digestive health. A bowl of oatmeal is rich in soluble fiber, selenium, thiamin, phosphorus, vitamin E and zinc. The presence of soluble fiber helps the digestive system working properly and removes waste. The fiber content in oats is also important to keep bowel movements, thus quickly relieve constipation. Additionally, oatmeal is...

Smooth and Healthy Skin order, breakfast, Potatoes and Carrots

Complete breakfast menu should be carbohydrates, fiber and protein. For example, steamed potatoes with fried eggs cooked carrots too. Do not forget a glass of warm drinks such as milk, tea or coffee can be complementary. Potatoes are one of the food sources of carbohydrates. Can be taken as a substitute for rice. Besides containing carbohydrates, 100 grams of potatoes are also packed with about 2 grams of protein, 0.1 grams of fat, and vitamin C 20 mg. Also contain solanine which can cause nausea and vomiting, because it was not well taken too much. Even so beneficial nutrients in potatoes are good for health. Such as, health care, address the uric acid and prevent the development of cancer cells. Potatoes can also rejuvenate the...

Various Detoxes

Believed to have the benefits of a detox to cleanse the body of toxins that harm the body if it will accumulate. Too many types of detox is circulating in the community to make this activity becomes difficult to choose. But in fact, the most frequently performed in the medical world is colon detox, liver detox and fasting. What is the process? Natural detox is a detox process that is done by using the ordinary activity, without any chemicals into the body. The process itself is arguably more secure, because it is done in a way that does not interfere with the working organ of the drug. Are included in the natural detox is detox the large intestine (colon), liver detox and fasting. Detox large intestine (colon) is done as a colon...

Detox Diet, Alternative Ways to Slim?

Detoxification or detox is often referred to as the person believed to have many benefits, such as removing toxins and ageless. But the majority of people do detox in order to diet and lose weight. Are any detoxes can indeed lose weight for people who do? Need to be considered by the public, that the diet and detox are 2 things that are not necessarily related. Diet is basically doing dietary adjustments, so the amount of food that enters the body is not excessive, especially when compared with the activities performed on a daily basis. While detox is the process of cleaning the organ in the body and remove toxins that settle in the person's body. Cannot always be sure someone is doing the detox will directly have a beautiful body...

Ways To Avoid of Malaria

Malaria is an infectious disease caused by plasmodium parasites that live and breed in human red blood cells. The number of people affected by malaria is still not able to increase the awareness of most people to want to preserve the environment. There are many who consider the environmental cleanup will suffice. Though there are some other ways the safest to avoid malaria. "If you want to avoid malaria is certainly plenty to do. Not only by family members affected by malaria, but also by the people around her," said dr. H. Andi Muhadir, MPH. Andi said, here are some other ways the safest ways to avoid malaria: 1. Avoid or reduce the malaria mosquito bites: Install the valance on the bed Avoid being outdoors at night Before...

Simple Ways to Examine Risk of Heart Disease without Having to Doctor

Heart attack is the number one cause of death in the world. Unfortunately, many people are wondering how to prevent it. This disease can be triggered by various reasons and are often not detected until symptoms raises. To determine the risk of heart attack, blood tests are usually required to determine levels of cholesterol, blood fat, blood sugar, blood pressure, body mass index up. This examination is usually performed in a doctor's office. But actually, there is a simple trick to check the risk of heart disease. "The risk of a heart attack can happen to anyone. But it does not have to go all the way to the doctor, just to check the heart rate in the morning because of the time it is complete out of heart break," said Dr. Ryan...

Night Sleep Over 9 Hours Cause Heart Disease Risk

Many people who complain of not getting enough sleep, so it uses a lot more time to sleep that night. New research actually found that more than 9 hours of sleep each night is not healthy. 9 hours of sleep or more each night can increase the risk of heart disease, too much thinking, to premature death. Previous studies conducted by researchers at the University of Sydney examined information from a survey conducted in 10 countries by asking participants to record how much time they used to work in a 24 hour period. The study involved a survey of more than three decades. Comparisons are made with results in 2007 1985. U.S. participants about 1.5 times more likely to sleep for more than 9 hours per night, and 15 percent more likely...

5 Important Facts about Cholesterol

Cholesterol is considered as evil for the body. Cholesterol is considered bad because of the threat to your heart. Here are 5 important facts about cholesterol you need to know: 1. Some Symptoms of High Cholesterol Seen by the Eye Generally, you can know about high cholesterol through a doctor. But there are signs of high cholesterol are visible to the eye. For example, the emergence of a lot of red bumps on the body known as xanthomas. This reddish bumps caused by high cholesterol. 2. Sports Can Increase Good Cholesterol Daily exercise is beneficial to health, not to mention if you want to control cholesterol. Regular exercise can help lower bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol naturally density. 3. Increased...

Signs of Menstruation are Not Normal

It is natural for women who experience discomfort when having your period, such as bloating or cramping. However, some women may experience heavier menstrual periods than others, it is it normal? Menstrual period is said to be normal if it has disrupted your life every day. If abdominal pain is very severe, the body is weak and excessive bleeding to disrupt your daily life at school or at work, consult a physician. A survey of 1,200 women in the U.S. found that 1 in 10 women experience very heavy periods. But about 32 percent of the survey participants, who reported experiencing heavy menstrual periods every month, do not go to the doctor for reasons of shame or regard it is not a big deal. Heavy menstrual periods can make women...

4 Women's Health Issues Dangerous but Withheld

Everyone has secrets, because secrets can make a difference in the quality of life. No exception for women. By storing the secret life of women feel much more comfortable and enjoyable, but if one gives treatment can be fatal. Discuss what is being perceived and experienced will make the surrounding environment, such as friends, family, and most importantly, physicians can lead to greater understanding and provide better treatment solutions. In a family, shared the secret to health is very important because most of the problem is genetic and carried from generation to generation. 1. Menstrual Period Such periods can affect women in different stages of life. More than 10 million women live in pain cramps during menstrual period,...

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