Healthy Diet with Olive Oil

Olive oil is not only beneficial to health, but also good for dieting. The oil comes from the fruit of the Greek community pride is helping to keep cholesterol levels remained normal, as well as controlling blood sugar. Quoted by the Times of India, olive oil is also very easy to digest because they contain unsaturated fats. There are many ways of preparing food using olive oil; one of the easiest ways is to make it as a dressing for salad. You also can make a healthy snack by rubbing olive oil on bread wheat. Olive oil can also be added as sauces and dressings. Combine olive oil with onions, spices (oregano, thyme, etc.) and garlic for pasta sauce. Also use olive oil to soak the meat, for the spices more easily absorbed into the food. If...

4 Effective Exercise Lose Weight

Cardiovascular exercise or exercise that stimulates the heart rate, respiration and blood vessels is one effective way if you want to lose weight. Excerpted from the LIVESTRONG, you should do exercise at least 45 minutes, six days a week (for optimal results.) Appropriate exercise will produce a more beautiful body and shape, as well as burn excess calories and fat. What an effective cardiovascular exercise to lose weight? Here is the type: 1. Run Running is one of the best cardiovascular activities to lose weight. People with body weight 68 kg can burn 893 calories per hour by running eight minutes per mile. While running for 10 minutes per mile can burn about 731 calories. But running is not necessarily suitable for everyone, especially...

75% of British Women's Select Beautiful Than Healthy

Choose beautiful or healthy? A study with surprising results released in the UK. 75% of women in that country was more beautiful than select healthy. Polling was held by the Benenden Healthcare Society, a nonprofit organization that helps provide health care services in England. There were 3,000 women aged 18-65 years who were respondents in the study. From the poll are known, the British women a year are willing to spend 336 pounds to buy the equipment make-up, skin and hair. As for the health they just spend 228 pounds a year to buy vitamins and exercise. 75% of respondents said they were very happy to come home to bring beauty equipment rather than the things that support health. While only 41% who went to the store to buy health products. Benenden...

Honey Benefits

Easy to digest Because sugar molecules in honey can be transformed into other sugars (egg fructose to glucose), honey is easily digested by even the most sensitive stomachs, despite having a high acid content. Honey helps kidneys and intestines to function better. Low calorie: Quality is another honey, when compared with the same amount of sugar, honey calories 40% lower. While giving great energy, honey does not gain weight. Diffuses more rapidly through the blood: When mixed with warm water, honey diffuses into the blood in seven minutes. Free sugar molecules make the brain function better since the brain is the largest sugar consumed. Supports blood formation Honey provides the energy needed by the body for blood formation. Furthermore,...

Acne? Your Phone Might Cause

Cleansing routine in the morning and at night was never missed; you were diligent in applying moisturizer and eating healthy foods. But why pimples and blackheads still stand silent in the face? Your favorite mobile phone may be the cause. Quoted from Beautylish, our phones have the potential to save thousands, even millions of bacteria that come from our own hands. When hands touch the keys or cell phone screen, a variety of dirt, grease or bacteria can move from the hands to the phone. Phones that have been exposed to dirt and bacteria and then attached to the face while you talk on the phone. As a result, pimples and blackheads also appear because dirt that clogs pores. This can be done to reduce the transfer of bacteria from hands to...

10 Unexpected Headache Triggers

Headache is one of the most common symptom experienced by people, some things are known to be the cause. Here it is 10 trigger headaches that sometimes are not unexpected. Headaches that arise can feel light or heavy it makes a person would have to consult with your doctor to find out the exact cause. Even so actually there are 10 causes of headaches that sometimes are not recognized by someone as quoted from the Health, on Thursday (02/10/2011), namely: 1. Headaches due to sex In one survey found about 40 percent of people suffer from headaches after sex. Usually the headache is caused due to the head suffered fatigue and is more common in men. Head pain is preceded by pain during foreplay and headaches appear suddenly when the orgasm....

Today Tips

"The house has air circulation, natural lighting, and sufficient openings can prevent mosquito nesting and breedin...

Some People Born to It Always Negative Thinking

Motivate a person to be more optimistic in life is sometimes very difficult. Not because motivator less reliable, because some people are genetically born to be always so negative and pessimistic. People who always have a negative view of life are usually prone to depression and other psychiatric disorders. Such people cannot appreciate what they have and tend to feel his life was never happy. A study at the University of Michigan revealed that individuals with a pessimistic personality are genetically different than the average person. The difference lies in the protein component, called neuropeptide Y (NPY). NPY is a protein which is one of the constituent components deoxyribonucleic chains (DNA). In a pessimistic person, NPY levels...

Ginger and Chocolate, Make Men Good

Men also need to eat healthy foods. Because the food is carefully selected not only to maintain fitness male body but also makes it healthier. What are some foods that are suitable for men? Who said that keeping the body's only women's affairs? Though men also need good food to maintain his body. Not only for the form of physical appearance but also the body's metabolic system. The differences also affect the physical form of the nutritional needs of men. Here are some foods that should be consumed by men: Without Meat Fat "Lean red meat is very good for men, because the protein content more than the chicken breasts," says Leslie Bonci, MPH, RD a nutrition expert at the Pittsburgh Steelers. Red meat is a source of leucine, an amino acid...

Why Can Body Tired???

Why does the body often become tired even though you feel your sleep sufficient? It's an interesting issue and we really need have a true concern for our health and way of life be good to ourselves. In fact among us (students) who get up early every day to go to college. But at night weeks or on days off we sleep too much than usual. Few of us would sleep until the middle of the day on the grounds to acquire fully indemnify hours of sleep that is not in obtained on weekdays. Actually, this action is wrong. Word Timothy Rogers, Steering Center for the Study of Hospital Sleep Problems Henry Ford in Detroit, he said I slept so annoying Biological Clock. Biological clock in our bodies is actually affect our health. So if the way we like to sleep...

The Amazing Fruit

Eat Fruit. . . . . This is very informative. We all think eating fruits means just buying fruits, cutting fruit and just put it into our mouths. It's not as easy as you think. It's important to know how and when to eat fruit. Like what the proper way to eat fruit? That is NOT EATING FRUITS AFTER YOU EAT! FRUITS SHOULD BE EATEN ON AN EMPTY STOMACH. If you eat fruit like that, it will play an important role to detoxify your system, providing you with plenty of energy for weight loss and other activities of your life. FRUIT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT FOOD. Let's say you eat two slices of bread and then a piece of fruit. Pieces of fruit ready to go straight through the stomach into the intestine, but prevented it. Meanwhile, all the food...

Reasons People Do not Want to Stop Smoking

Most people know that smoking can endanger the health of himself and others, but not a few people who remained stubborn. Here it is the reasons people stay in recalcitrant smokers. "From upstream to downstream Rooms all contain toxins, and in the long term the resulting diseases can really spend money," said Dr. Sally Aman Nasution, SpPD-KKV, FINASIM. Dr Sally said there are cases of a man an 80-year-old son brought a heart disease. The man was known as a smoker and he often dodged that he was just a heart disease and smoking did not feel healthy. "But not everyone is as lucky person, maybe now he does not have a heart attack but we do not know how later on," said Dr. Sally. The reasons expressed by the smokers are usually: He considers...

Exercise Tips that No Harm Heart

Several cases of people died after heavy exercise such as football, tennis, and badminton makes some people afraid to do the sport. The problem is not on the branch the exercise, but because it is too forced exercise on body condition was not ready. "What should be remembered not as a branch sport, but it sports achievements or fun can contain a fatal danger to health if done when the body is not ready physically and mentally," said Dr. Michael Triangto, SpKO, Sports Medicine Specialist. According to Dr. Michael, all kind of sports risks to health, the most frequently such injuries, broken or torn tendon in the muscle, even fatal can cause a stroke or heart attack. But because most do not cause death, it is not too worried. "But that...

Chinese Aromatherapy

Have you ever imagined your pains disappear just because the scent of aromatherapy?. There is no doubt, aromatherapy can refresh your mind, restore the spirit of a person’s life and can even cure various disorders of mind. But some people may be surprised wince when they hear aromatherapy can cure various physical ailments. In Chinese science, all things in this world can be grouped into five main elements. They are metal, water, wood, earth and fire. So it is with essential oils as aromatherapy. Body and mind can never be separated, therefore our emotional life is unbalanced also result of an unhealthy body conditions as well. Since aromatherapy is known to restore freshness and health of mind, then chances are the body’s health to be restored...

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