Water Giving Different Benefits in Every Body Part

Lack of body fluids will make the hard concentration and feel tired. Not only to maintain brain function and muscle, water in the body has a variety of benefits in any organ that must be maintained to avoid dehydration. Dehydration or lack of fluids occurs when the body loses fluids in significant amounts. In addition to passing the sweat, body fluids are also issued in the form of urine and water vapor released from the surface of the skin and as she spoke. Functions of water in several organs, as quoted from Huffingtonpost, is as follows. 1. Brain Adequate water levels in the body to make memories sharper, more stable mood and spirit is maintained. Conversely when not drinking, reduced oxygen supply to the brain and nervous system in the...

Neurosyphilis, Brain Damage Due to Syphilis

DescriptionNeurosyphilis is an infection of the brain or spinal cord that occurs in people who have untreated syphilis but over the years. CauseNeurosyphilis is caused by Treponema pallidum, the bacterium that causes syphilis. Neurosyphilis usually occurs around 10-20 years after a person is first infected with syphilis. Not everyone who has syphilis will develop this complication. There are five different forms of neurosyphilis:1. Asymptomatic (most common form), meaning no symptoms. Considered asymptomatic if- It has been recovered from the disease and no longer have symptoms- Having a disease but have no symptoms. 2. General paresis, impaired mental function caused by brain damage. Occurs between 30-30 years after getting syphilis. Patients...

Dance for Parkinson's Patients

Patients with Parkinson’s have always had tremors (shaking) at any time in almost all parts of the body making it difficult to perform hand movements or running. Researchers found the Parkinson's tremor may be reduced if the patient is practicing dancing. Scientists found dancing can help solve the problem of Parkinson's disease and had a great effect on the sufferer. Dancing can help develop the mindset of someone in solving problems including Parkinson's sufferers are often difficult to articulate thoughts. "We watched people dance in the laboratory and then perform troubleshooting. Various types of dance to help them with various kinds of problem solving," said Dr. Peter Lovatt, head of the Psychology Lab at the University of Hertfordshire...

Most Dangerous Things In Our Live

1. Used Beverage BottleMaybe some of us have the habit of using and reusing plastic bottles (Aqua, VIT, etc.) and put it in the car or at work. This habit is not good, because the materials are plastic bottles (also known as polyethylene terephthalate or PET) used in this bottles contain carcinogens (or DEHA). Bottles are safe for use 1-2 times only, if you want to wear it longer, not more than a week, and should be placed far away from the sun. Repeated washing habits can make a layer of broken plastic and carcinogen that can enter the water we drink. Better to buy a food grade bottles, do not use plastic bottles. 2. Shrimp and Vitamin C Do not eat shrimp after you eat Vitamin C. Since this will lead to poisoning from toxic Arsenic (As) which...

Every Human Has 60 Gen that Mutated

Genes that have mutations (changes) in the human body usually triggers abnormalities in the form of the disease or incompleteness of organs. Researchers found the average man has 60 genes that mutated from the original source (parent). Most genetic mutations that experienced by humans occur during the formation of sperm and egg cells from radiation, pollution and the use of drugs. Most others occur after birth, but the number was not how compared to gene mutations that occur in the process of reproduction. Dr Matt Hurles of the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute in Cambridge revealed that after 6000 unravel the genetic makeup of families consisting of a father, 1 mother and 1 child. The results showed, on average each child has 60 different genes...

Against Stress by Sports

Severe stress or depression due to several things it could disrupt the lives and activities. But this problem can be overcome or resisted by exercising regularly.  One of the main benefits of exercise is the link between mind and body. If someone has anxiety and stress, the exercise can help to soothe and improve mood.  When one starts to feel anxious or a little stress, try to start moving and doing some exercises to get the motivation and reduce stress.  The study, reported in Anxiety, Stress and Coping: An International Journal in 2008 noted that the sport could be a potential tool to overcome the symptoms of anxiety.  In the study participants who regularly exercise have a lower index of anxiety than people who never...

Refresh the Brain with Easy Way

Saturated with the same activity every day can lead to boredom and lack of concentration. But at least there is an easy way to refresh the brain. Anything?  After doing a lot of work in one day you're likely to experience stress and the mind becomes dull. In fact, the same mind dangers of fatigue with physical fatigue.  There are some easy ways to refresh the brain. Following ways scientifically proven to effectively make the brain re-focus and concentrate to 25 minutes (for adults), as reported by Lifemojo:  1. Music Soothing music is very beneficial for mental or mind. Clear your mind by just sitting and listening to music. Music will make you feel better.  2. Sports Doing regular physical activity such as swimming...

How to Cope Sensitive Stomach

Some people sometimes have a sensitive stomach, so not all that goes into the stomach can match. Then how do I fix this?  Sometimes the stomach gives a negative signal in expressing sensitivity or sensitivity to something that enters the body. Sensitivity of the stomach can cause a person to feel bloated or it could be diarrhea.  Even so there are some things you can do to fix this, as quoted from Lifemojo, namely:  1. Identify triggers Better to know the type of food can trigger sensitivity of the stomach. Try to make notes about how the body tolerates the food. Some foods are known to be triggers such as dairy products, foods that are too cold and spices.  In addition, grain or raw vegetables can also cause irritation...

Things That Can Makes Allergy Symptoms

Allergies that appears either in the form of sneezing or itching is definitely very disturbing activities. But there are some things that can unwittingly make a person's allergies are getting worse.  Some of the tricks it can do to avoid allergy triggers, such as keeping the windows remained closed, keeping clean, or pay attention to the food consumed.  But many people do not realize that certain things can sometimes worsen the condition of allergy, as quoted from ABCNews.go.com, namely:  Job stress Researchers at Ohio State University of Medicine found people with allergies will have worse symptoms when he did tests that stimulate anxiety. Janice Kiecolt-Glaser, PhD, said stress hormones can stimulate the production of...

Teen Immunizations Needs

Routine immunization schedules are usually known to be given to infants or toddlers. But it was not in infants, adolescents also require both routine immunization and immunization are given for special circumstances. Any immunizations?  Here are 4 aliases immunization vaccines recommended by the Centers For Disease Control and Their Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) for all adolescents, as reported by About.com:  1. Tdap Vaccine Tdap is a vaccine for tetanus, diphtheria toxoids and acellular pertussis. In addition to the tetanus vaccine, this vaccine also protects against diphtheria and pertussis. This is due to pertussis (whooping cough) increased among adolescents. Tdap vaccine is recommended for adolescents...

Eating Carrots Make People More Attractive

Many eat carrots have been known to nourish the eye. Not only that, recent research shows that eating carrots can make the skin healthy and glowing, which makes people more interesting.  Researchers at St Andrews and University of Bristol shows that women and men who diligently eating vegetables and fruits a strong color such as carrots and plump, can have a luminous yellow skin that are considered very attractive and healthy.  Vegetables and fruits which typically contain strong colored pigments called carotenoids. This substance is found in fruits and certain vegetables play an important role in giving the skin a glow.  "The relationship between carotenoid yellow skin glowing and open new strategies to encourage people to eat...

Most Important Nutrition For Children

In the process of growth and development, children need certain nutrients to help him. Find out what are the essential nutrients needed by the little guy.  Any nutrients that enter the body have its own function, so each child needs a variety of foods to satisfy every whim. Here are the nutrients it needs little in the process of growth and development, as quoted from BabyCenter, namely:  Essential fatty acids (essential fatty acids / EFAS) Nutrition is useful to build the cell, regulate the nervous system, strengthens the cardiovascular system, boost the immune system, is required for brain and eye function and help the body absorb energy. Intake for children aged 1-3 years of 0.7 grams per day for omega 3 and omega 6 to 7 grams,...

Fight The Bad Smell of Mouth with This Food

Unpleasant breath odor can be triggered by various factors, one of them from food. Food can not only cause bad breath, but also can help eliminate the odor. What foods can combat bad breath?  Bad breath or halitosis is caused by various reasons such as eating certain foods, smoking, gum disease, dry mouth and oral bacteria. In addition to brushing teeth and visiting your dentist regularly, there are foods you can eat to combat bad breath.  Here are some foods deodorizing the mouth, as reported by the LIVESTRONG:  1. Apple Apples are one of the best foods that can combat bad breath. Hard apple texture helps remove plaque on the teeth. Because dry mouth causes bad breath, the water of the apple also help combat this problem....

Diet Mistakes that Must be Avoided When Vacation

Many people who have failed diet during the holidays because of the temptation to eat from the outside. At least avoid the dieting mistakes that often occur during the holidays. Anything? Vacation can be a challenge for people who are running the program on a diet. But there are some that can be done so you do not fail the diet during the holidays. Here are some diet mistakes to be avoided during the holidays, as reported by Lifemojo: Mistake 1: Too refrain When a holiday is a time that is difficult to avoid temptation, especially related to food. Too resist will only torture you. A better approach is to eat foods that you like small portions. Mistake 2: Drinking excessive alcohol People who drink alcohol before a meal, tend to overeat...

Next Big Breasts Cause

Breast form that is not the same (asymmetric) between right and left can make women ashamed and frustrated. Actually, what are the causes This asymmetrical breast size? Asymmetrical breast size which is experienced by nearly 50 percent of women, however some are not very significant difference so it looks like normal. As quoted from WomensHealth, most doctors consider this difference in breast size due to genetic factors. This is because breast growth is stimulated by the influence of estrogen on the young. Initially starting with breast budding and about two years after the first period menstrausi breast continued to grow around 2-4 years older. It was then that the possibility of differences in size. Once a person aged 21 years, the growth...

Six Facts About Breast

One of the charms and beauty of the most attractive woman is breast. However, there are some unique things about the breast that may not know. Here are some facts about women's assets: 1. Breast implants save lives. One woman survived the car crash due to silicone breast pads that function like airbags in 2006. Women from the city of Ruse, Bulgaria has experienced an accident that caused her car badly damaged. Fortunately, the woman was not seriously injured because of protection from concussion thanks to her breast implants. 2. Women who have more than two breasts. Medical records to prove, there are women who have breast more than two or called 'polymastia'. Polymastia Patients could have had breast at the front of a different body, not...

The Right Way to Make Clean Teeth

Brushing teeth is not just a toothbrush rubbed around the mouth and then finished in a flash. Scientists say that the whole process of brushing teeth at least last for two minutes.  Brushing teeth is not only cleanliness but also ensure good oral health. Irregular or improper brushing the teeth will cause bad breath, cavities and periodontal disease (gum disease).  The correct way of brushing teeth, as reported by Lifemojo: Clean the outer surface of the upper teeth and lower teeth  Clean the inner surface of the upper teeth and lower teeth  Clean the surface of the teeth used for chewing  For fresh breath, be sure to brush your tongue too.  Tilt the brush at an angle of 45 degrees against the gum line and...

Repel Mosquitoes with Vitamins

Although only a small insect, a disease caused by mosquito bites such as dengue and malaria are killing a lot of lives around the world. Some vitamins can help you far away from mosquito bites. People prone to mosquito bites during the morning or dawn (at sunrise) and evening (at sunset) because winged insects that are most often looking for food at times. To help combat the mosquito bites, there are several nutrients that can be incorporated into the daily diet to be efficient in preventing mosquito bites. Some vitamins that can keep you from mosquito bites as reported by LIVESTRONG are: Vitamin B-1 Vitamin B-1, also called thiamine, can be used to help prevent mosquito bites by acting as a repellent. After taking thiamine, the skin will...

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