10 Tricks Sharpen Memory

Memory is identical to the age factor. The more advanced age, his memory decline. However, many ways can be done to maximize the ability of our memory. 1. Brain Gymnastics Such brain muscle that needs to be practiced regularly. How, for challenge or guess for you that can sharpen memory. For example, mention the title of old songs, considering the poem as a child, or call the 10 items in the refrigerator. 2. Food Not only fish oil that can sharpen your memory, but also of red and purple foods like blueberries, fruit bits, and onion. Folic acid rich foods like broccoli, bananas, and legumes are also useful to maintain brain health. 3. Drinking Water The evidence suggests that whole organ function would work quite well when he received...

5 Health Benefits of Reading Books

Most people are so busy with life so that not enough time to read books, people prefer to watch movies, television or playing computer games. And reading is not only enriching but also useful insights for health. Diligent reading can make people rich in insight and information. Also, read to the brain and beneficial to health. At least there are 5 benefits of reading for health, namely: 1. Train the brain One advantage of reading the book is an exercise brain and mind. Reading can help keep the brain in order to always perform its functions perfectly. While reading, the brain is required fatherly think more so it can make people more intelligent. But to this brain exercise, read the book should be done routinely. 2. Relieve stress...

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