Preventing Stroke Crisis in the Asia-Pacific

The epidemic of stroke in the Asia Pacific region and around the world will become a reality if not taken action to slow the increase in the incidence of stroke. Let's prevent a crisis of stroke in the Asia Pacific region. Every year, 15 million people around the world suffered a stroke. About 5 million suffer permanent paralysis and more than five million died, which represents 10 percent of total deaths worldwide. In the Asia Pacific in 2004, an estimated number of patients who recovered from a stroke were 4.4 million in Southeast Asia and 9.1 million in the Western Pacific region. In the same year, the number of people in the Asia Pacific region who had a stroke for the first time reached 5.1 million. This figure is higher than the rate...

Meaning of Kiss by Scientific Side

A kiss is identical with the symbol of happiness. That is why when marriage between Prince William and Kate Middleton's most eagerly awaited in the British public are two lovebirds kiss it on the balcony of Buckingham Palace. If all this time people look for reasons happy kisses let's look at the scientific reasons put forward by scientists. Because according to scientists that there is scientific explanation kiss is not just lust. Researchers from Lafayette College in Pennsylvania have found the answer to why kissing can make a couple happy. Researchers say that when the lips 'locked' is actually happening spark an increase of hormones in the brain, as reported by FoxNews. Due to a series of complex chemical process, the kissing couple...

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