Diet Mistakes that Must be Avoided When Vacation

Many people who have failed diet during the holidays because of the temptation to eat from the outside. At least avoid the dieting mistakes that often occur during the holidays. Anything? Vacation can be a challenge for people who are running the program on a diet. But there are some that can be done so you do not fail the diet during the holidays. Here are some diet mistakes to be avoided during the holidays, as reported by Lifemojo: Mistake 1: Too refrain When a holiday is a time that is difficult to avoid temptation, especially related to food. Too resist will only torture you. A better approach is to eat foods that you like small portions. Mistake 2: Drinking excessive alcohol People who drink alcohol before a meal, tend to overeat...

Next Big Breasts Cause

Breast form that is not the same (asymmetric) between right and left can make women ashamed and frustrated. Actually, what are the causes This asymmetrical breast size? Asymmetrical breast size which is experienced by nearly 50 percent of women, however some are not very significant difference so it looks like normal. As quoted from WomensHealth, most doctors consider this difference in breast size due to genetic factors. This is because breast growth is stimulated by the influence of estrogen on the young. Initially starting with breast budding and about two years after the first period menstrausi breast continued to grow around 2-4 years older. It was then that the possibility of differences in size. Once a person aged 21 years, the growth...

Six Facts About Breast

One of the charms and beauty of the most attractive woman is breast. However, there are some unique things about the breast that may not know. Here are some facts about women's assets: 1. Breast implants save lives. One woman survived the car crash due to silicone breast pads that function like airbags in 2006. Women from the city of Ruse, Bulgaria has experienced an accident that caused her car badly damaged. Fortunately, the woman was not seriously injured because of protection from concussion thanks to her breast implants. 2. Women who have more than two breasts. Medical records to prove, there are women who have breast more than two or called 'polymastia'. Polymastia Patients could have had breast at the front of a different body, not...

The Right Way to Make Clean Teeth

Brushing teeth is not just a toothbrush rubbed around the mouth and then finished in a flash. Scientists say that the whole process of brushing teeth at least last for two minutes.  Brushing teeth is not only cleanliness but also ensure good oral health. Irregular or improper brushing the teeth will cause bad breath, cavities and periodontal disease (gum disease).  The correct way of brushing teeth, as reported by Lifemojo: Clean the outer surface of the upper teeth and lower teeth  Clean the inner surface of the upper teeth and lower teeth  Clean the surface of the teeth used for chewing  For fresh breath, be sure to brush your tongue too.  Tilt the brush at an angle of 45 degrees against the gum line and...

Repel Mosquitoes with Vitamins

Although only a small insect, a disease caused by mosquito bites such as dengue and malaria are killing a lot of lives around the world. Some vitamins can help you far away from mosquito bites. People prone to mosquito bites during the morning or dawn (at sunrise) and evening (at sunset) because winged insects that are most often looking for food at times. To help combat the mosquito bites, there are several nutrients that can be incorporated into the daily diet to be efficient in preventing mosquito bites. Some vitamins that can keep you from mosquito bites as reported by LIVESTRONG are: Vitamin B-1 Vitamin B-1, also called thiamine, can be used to help prevent mosquito bites by acting as a repellent. After taking thiamine, the skin will...

7 Tips to Look Younger

To look younger, you don’t have to need expensive products, just learned the 7 tips below. There is no woman who feels happy when considered older than actual age. However, why someone else could get wrong guess your age? It is actually because your own appearance. If a woman is not good enough at dressing herself, then she would give the wrong impression. Valentine day soon, you can reap the praise “Oh…you really look youthful”, by following few practical tips. Use lipstick with bright color. Selection of the lipstick color can make a face looked younger. You should know that if you are getting older, your lips will be thinner too. So daub dark color lipstick will not attract the attention of anyone. However, choosing a light color lipstick...

Sports that Make People Younger

So many studies that state that running had many advantages. JoAnn Manson, MD, chief of preventive medicine of Brigham and Women's Hospital said that many who come to the health benefits of exercise are quite challenging, like running. These include the following: Vision The man who ran about 56 miles per week were found to have vision that is much more than about 54 percent of people who only ran about 16 miles per week. Keeping the Heart Runners who jog about 16 miles or more per week were 39 percent lower risk of drug addiction and reduce high blood pressure about 34 percent of drugs lowering cholesterol levels than those who run no more than 4 miles per week. Strong Bones Running turned out to help strengthen bones better than...

Reason Reluctant Dieter

Not easy to do a diet to lose weight. Some people sometimes have specific reasons to avoid it. What is it? Most people would think several times before finally deciding to diet. When thinking that sometimes arise for reasons he did not have to go on a diet. Here are some common reasons put forward a person to avoid having to diet, as quoted from Lifemojo, namely: 1. 'Tomorrow I will start a diet' Most people procrastinate on a diet by saying tomorrow. And if he was serious about dieting, she would immediately begin that same day without exception. 2. 'I really liked the food' Everyone will love to eat, so it is not the right reasons. Someone who dieter can still enjoy the food, but the amount that must be considered so as not to overdo...

Healthy Sleep Tips

1. Number of hours of sleep is ideal.For most people, the ideal amount of sleep is seven to nine hours per day. For many people need even more sleep for nine hours instead of seven hours. 2. Bed early.Get used to sleep before 11 pm, because most body cells to repair and recovery functions during the hours 11 pm to 1 in the morning. For example, bile neutralizes toxins during this period. If you wake up, then the poison would go back to the liver, which then flowed back into the circulatory system. 3. Sleep rhythm remains.Make a habit of sleeping and waking at the same time or hours in each day. 4. Get used to sleeping in the dark object.When the light of your eyes, this will disrupt the circadian rhythm of pineal gland and production of...

Soybean Fails to be Prostate Cancer Drugs

Soybean many claimed to treat prostate cancer experienced by men. However, recent findings indicate soybean failed to be prostate cancer drug. Patients with cancer pain were not reduced by eating soy.  Research conducted by experts from the University Health Network in Toronto as reported by the Health, also failed to prove the benefits of soy. Even when mixed with selenium and vitamin E supplements, the risk of prostate cancer is not reduced.  In that study, the experts involved 303 adult men who have a high risk for prostate cancer. That is, the participants do not have cancer but the test results indicate the existence of cells pre-cancer in the prostate gland.  At random, some participants received a supplement consisting...

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