Eating Carrots Make People More Attractive

Many eat carrots have been known to nourish the eye. Not only that, recent research shows that eating carrots can make the skin healthy and glowing, which makes people more interesting.  Researchers at St Andrews and University of Bristol shows that women and men who diligently eating vegetables and fruits a strong color such as carrots and plump, can have a luminous yellow skin that are considered very attractive and healthy.  Vegetables and fruits which typically contain strong colored pigments called carotenoids. This substance is found in fruits and certain vegetables play an important role in giving the skin a glow.  "The relationship between carotenoid yellow skin glowing and open new strategies to encourage people to eat...

Most Important Nutrition For Children

In the process of growth and development, children need certain nutrients to help him. Find out what are the essential nutrients needed by the little guy.  Any nutrients that enter the body have its own function, so each child needs a variety of foods to satisfy every whim. Here are the nutrients it needs little in the process of growth and development, as quoted from BabyCenter, namely:  Essential fatty acids (essential fatty acids / EFAS) Nutrition is useful to build the cell, regulate the nervous system, strengthens the cardiovascular system, boost the immune system, is required for brain and eye function and help the body absorb energy. Intake for children aged 1-3 years of 0.7 grams per day for omega 3 and omega 6 to 7 grams,...

Fight The Bad Smell of Mouth with This Food

Unpleasant breath odor can be triggered by various factors, one of them from food. Food can not only cause bad breath, but also can help eliminate the odor. What foods can combat bad breath?  Bad breath or halitosis is caused by various reasons such as eating certain foods, smoking, gum disease, dry mouth and oral bacteria. In addition to brushing teeth and visiting your dentist regularly, there are foods you can eat to combat bad breath.  Here are some foods deodorizing the mouth, as reported by the LIVESTRONG:  1. Apple Apples are one of the best foods that can combat bad breath. Hard apple texture helps remove plaque on the teeth. Because dry mouth causes bad breath, the water of the apple also help combat this problem....

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