Neurosyphilis, Brain Damage Due to Syphilis

DescriptionNeurosyphilis is an infection of the brain or spinal cord that occurs in people who have untreated syphilis but over the years. CauseNeurosyphilis is caused by Treponema pallidum, the bacterium that causes syphilis. Neurosyphilis usually occurs around 10-20 years after a person is first infected with syphilis. Not everyone who has syphilis will develop this complication. There are five different forms of neurosyphilis:1. Asymptomatic (most common form), meaning no symptoms. Considered asymptomatic if- It has been recovered from the disease and no longer have symptoms- Having a disease but have no symptoms. 2. General paresis, impaired mental function caused by brain damage. Occurs between 30-30 years after getting syphilis. Patients...

Dance for Parkinson's Patients

Patients with Parkinson’s have always had tremors (shaking) at any time in almost all parts of the body making it difficult to perform hand movements or running. Researchers found the Parkinson's tremor may be reduced if the patient is practicing dancing. Scientists found dancing can help solve the problem of Parkinson's disease and had a great effect on the sufferer. Dancing can help develop the mindset of someone in solving problems including Parkinson's sufferers are often difficult to articulate thoughts. "We watched people dance in the laboratory and then perform troubleshooting. Various types of dance to help them with various kinds of problem solving," said Dr. Peter Lovatt, head of the Psychology Lab at the University of Hertfordshire...

Most Dangerous Things In Our Live

1. Used Beverage BottleMaybe some of us have the habit of using and reusing plastic bottles (Aqua, VIT, etc.) and put it in the car or at work. This habit is not good, because the materials are plastic bottles (also known as polyethylene terephthalate or PET) used in this bottles contain carcinogens (or DEHA). Bottles are safe for use 1-2 times only, if you want to wear it longer, not more than a week, and should be placed far away from the sun. Repeated washing habits can make a layer of broken plastic and carcinogen that can enter the water we drink. Better to buy a food grade bottles, do not use plastic bottles. 2. Shrimp and Vitamin C Do not eat shrimp after you eat Vitamin C. Since this will lead to poisoning from toxic Arsenic (As) which...

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