When is the Right Time to Eat Fruit, Before or After Eating?

Fruits are rich in fiber and vitamins. But not many people know when to eat fruit right time, before or after dinner? There are so many benefits gained by eating the fruit regularly. The fruit is rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals and most importantly the fruit dyes (phytochemicals) as an antioxidant. Fruit is a tool for detoxification and provider of natural sugar. When eaten in the right way, then the fruit will be very beneficial to the human body. Eat 3 servings of fruit each day can cleanse your body of toxins and helps the digestive system. Then when to eat fruit that is correct, before or after meals? "Our digestive system has been created to perfection. So eat the fruit may at any time, either before or after meals," Dr. Samuel...

Fruits That Are Safe For Person With Diabetes

People with diabetes do have pretty good care of his food, including sweet fruits. But that does not mean that diabetics should not eat fruit. Here are some pieces that are suitable for diabetics. Diabetics cannot eat food carelessly let alone related to glucose, hence the strict controls required to minimize the adverse impacts that may arise. People with diabetes should eat foods with low glycemic index, i.e. below 55. This is to help prevent blood sugar spikes that make diabetes worse. Glycemic index (GI) is the scale or number given to certain foods based on how big these foods increase blood sugar levels, the scale used is 0-100. Called low-glycemic index when they're on a scale of less than 50, medium glycemic index if its value is...

Sugar Not Make Children Become Hyperactive

During this time it was thought that a lot of sweet foods or sugar can make children become hyperactive. But it was such an assumption is wrong and there is no relationship between sugar with hyperactivity. Pediatricians and nutritionists’ reveals that there has been no scientific evidence that sugar can make children become hyperactive. "There are no studies showing that sugar in the diet can make the children become too active or to make a deficit of attention," said Dr. Kleinman, professor of pediatrics at Harvard Medical School in Boston, as quoted from Health.Ninemsn. In all studies conducted over many years there are no results that show that sugar can cause children to become hyperactive. Hence Dr Kelinman said that sugar is not the...

Prevent Hungry While Diet

We're trying to lose weight or go on a diet, there is one thing that might be hard to do that is hungry. But there are some tricks that can be done to hold the hungry during the diet. Hunger is a serious battle that must be experienced by many people when trying to lose or try to maintain ideal weight. Hunger is a complex process and involves many systems in the body including the stomach, brain and intestine. Yet there are some things that have been proven to control hunger and help a person eat fewer calories. Dr. Melina Jampolis a nutritionist from San Francisco said there are several things you can do when hungry, as quoted by CNN, namely: 1. Eating calorie dense than the liquid calories The experts said that solid foods have been...

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