How to Make Brilliant Brain

The brain is one of the important parts of your body because it contains a variety of the central governing body. But there are easy ways you can do to help nourish the brain so that it remains bright and brilliant. To create a healthy brain needs food intake can increase the brain and do some exercises or activities that can maintain cognitive function of the brain. Here are some easy ways you can do to nourish the organs of the brain, as quoted from the LIVESTRONG, namely: Providing good food for the brain More than half of the brain consists of fat, so fat is needed by the brain to maintain the sharpness of thinking and functioning properly. Fat is needed, such as omega-3 fatty acids are important for brain function and cognitive...

Types of Industrial Waste that Can Pollute the Groundwater

The biggest contributor to groundwater pollution is industries, through the waste it generates. For humans, the types of pollutants contained in industrial waste even more dangerous than pollution by bacteria. What are the dangers? The direct impact of water pollution is usually a digestive disorder such as diarrhea or dysentery. As for the long term, pollutants that contaminate the water can accumulate and lead to more serious effects include changes in chromosomes and impaired intelligence. Compared with biological pollutants such as bacteria and fungi, the source of pollution from industrial waste is usually more dangerous because many can accumulate in the body. Long-term impact due to the accumulation of toxins can also affect the...

Brain Cells Activity Changed Due to Phone

Activities of brain cells may change due to the use of mobile phones (mobile phones) are too long attached to the ear. Weak electromagnetic radiation from mobile phones can affect the activity of cells in the brain. Scientists from the National Institutes of Health U.S. found that time spent 50 minutes with a cellular phone attached to the ear is enough to alter brain cell activity in the part closest to the antenna device. "What we found is the metabolism of glucose (a sign of brain activity) will be increased in brain regions closest to the mobile phone antenna," said Dr. Nora Volkow of the NIH, as quoted by Reuters. The study was conducted to understand how the brain reacts to electromagnetic fields generated by mobile phone signals....

Do not Ignore Sore Throat

Sore throat or pharyngitis is an inflammatory disease that attacks the trachea. The disease is often called a sore throat is characterized by a thickening or swelling of the throat wall, reddish, there are white spots, accompanied by pain swallowing. Sore throat can be caused by viral or bacterial infection, accompanied by a weak immune system. Treatment with antibiotics is only effective on the inflammation caused by germs. For a mild case of strep throat, sometimes eating healthy foods like vegetables with fruits rich in vitamins can help relieve inflammation. Symptoms of strep throat often foreshadow the flu or a cold. Sore Throat or Pharyngitis are of two kinds, namely acute and chronic: 1. Acute Pharyngitis. Sore throat is still...

Afternoon Sleep Really Make You Fat?

Many people are afraid to take a nap because it is considered as a trigger weight gain. Really quick nap make people fat? This assumption is related to the habits of people who take a nap after lunch. There is a myth put calories after lunch will accumulate into fat if you take a nap. But it turns out so far investigators have not found an association of obesity with a nap. What is clear is that long siesta habit is to make the body does not move, so calories are burned a little. To note, according to a family health doctor from Virginia, as reported by Kristie Leong MD HealthMad, the duration should not nap longer than 30 minutes. Nap too long, or more than 30 minutes result will actually make feel sleepy all day. So do not moving...

5 Foods That Help You Sleep

Should you let yourself have that midnight snack if you're having trouble sleeping and you think hunger might be part of the problem? Here are five foods that can actually help you drift off: Can't Get a Good Night's Sleep? 5 Surprising Reasons 1. Cherries. Fresh and dried cherries are one of the only natural food sources of melatonin, the chemical that controls the body's internal clock to regulate sleep. Researchers who tested tart cherries and found high levels of melatonin recommend eating them an hour before bedtime or before a trip when you want to sleep on the plane. 2. Bananas. Potassium and magnesium are natural muscle relaxants, and bananas are a good source of both. They also contain the amino acid L-tryptophan, which gets converted...

Condition The House is Right for Child Allergies

Allergies often occur in children especially when their immune low. But despite having allergies does not mean children cannot live healthy, one with respect to housing conditions.  Allergy comes from the Greek, namely Allon argon, which means a different reaction or deviate from normal to various stimuli or substances from outside the body such as to food, dust and mites, animals, drugs, smoke cigarettes and so forth.  Three main things to be done for children who are allergic to stay healthy and normal life, namely:  Avoiding triggers and improves the environment Seeking medical help Immunological therapy  Besides the most common child food allergy dust and damp air. But by cleaning the house and keep the goods...

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