Today Tips

"Not only keeps the body physically and mentally healthy, exercise can also be an arena for recreation and mental relaxation. Sports play a very important to overcome depressio...

Cough But Not There Sputum

Although not the flu or a cold, many people who have a cough without phlegm or the so-called dry cough. What causes this dry cough? Coughing is the body's attempt to remove a foreign object or mucus from the lungs and upper respiratory tract. Sometimes a dry cough is a reaction to an inflamed throat channel or due to other causes. Dry cough is a cough that is productive because it does not produce mucus. Dry cough illness but can also be simply a reaction to the throat channel. Some things that cause dry cough as reported by LIVESTRONG on Thursday (27/01/2011): 1. Respiratory tract irritation Often, dry cough is not a disease but a response to conditions that irritate the respiratory tract and causes bronchospasm. Dust and smoke in...

Interesting Figures Regarding Obesity

Overweight and obesity are risk factors for dangerous diseases, ranging from diabetes, high blood pressure to impotence. For those who consider it excessive, the following figures will reveal how dangerous it had no body fat. Interesting figures related to obesity as quoted by the Telegraph, Friday (28/01/2011) are: 7 years Obesity is estimated to reduce life expectancy of someone up to an average of 7 years. This means that with a body mass index (BMI) an ideal, a person can live 7 years longer than if you are obese. 30 kg/m2 A person is categorized as obese if you have a BMI 30 kg/m2 or more. BMI is measured by the ratio between body weight and body surface area represented by the height. 444.5 kg Some UK hospitals have a special...

Wary of Bacterial Vaginosis

Maybe you wonder whether all cases of vaginal discharge should be wary of. For example, to discharge with the consistency of thick, feels there is a burning sensation. Is that symptoms of vaginal discharge caused by a fungus? According to Terri Warren, RN, ANP, a specialist herpes and sexually transmitted diseases WebMD, complaints like the above could be due to fungal infection. But also be due to other causes. For the case of fungal infection, most often caused by overgrowth of the fungus Candida albicans. You may recognize a thick white vaginal discharge, itching, burning, and redness at the labia. Another possibility is bacterial vaginosis (BV), which caused an imbalance of good and bad bacteria in the vagina. Although BV often causes...

Today Tips

"The toilet is closest to the door of the bathroom proved to have the lowest levels of bacteria, because most people will choose the most distant toilets to ensure privacy, especially in the men's bathroo...

Bad Effects Smoking to Dental & Mouth

Smoking is known to be harmful to health and the majority of smokers aware of it. However, many smokers tend to ignore the impact of smoking on dental health. Let us analyze some of the ill effects of smoking on oral health, as revealed Dentalhealthsite. Tooth discoloration Most smokers are generally aware of the stain teeth caused by its activities. This dental stains caused nicotine and tar in cigarettes. Change the color ranges from yellow to dark brown (the years of smoking). Teeth stains difficult to remove by normal brushing. Bad breath Smokers are at greater risk of bad breath than non-smokers. The content of nicotine and tar causes bad breath typical of smokers. Smoking also causes dry mouth that cause halitosis (bad breath). Dental...

How to Protect the Body of Cancer Risk

Any kind of disease cancer remains a frightening specter for most people. But there are several ways you can do to reduce cancer risk. The scientists claim the estimated one-third of cancer cases that occur can be prevented by healthy diet. Also avoid triggers such as cigarette cancer, exhaust fumes and stress can have a positive impact. For that the World Cancer Research Fund recommends several ways to protect the body from cancer risk, as quoted by the Telegraph on Wednesday (01/26/2011), namely: 1. Maintain ideal body weight remained Having an ideal weight or overweight is one of the best ways to reduce the chances of someone getting cancer. In addition to reducing cancer risks, ideal weight also provides protection against diabetes...

5 Complications of Pregnancy in Fat Women

Obesity or excessive obesity causes some risk to health. Especially in obese women who are pregnant are at higher risk for complications during delivery. The team of researchers from Liverpool University found some complications in obese women who are pregnant. This discovery after conducting inspection 30 000 women who gave birth during the period of 4 years. Some of the complications that occur in obese women during pregnancy, as reported by the British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology is: 1. Obese women have a longer gestation period. From the findings of 3 of 10 obese women have a long period of pregnancy, whereas women with normal body weight is only 2 of 10 of late delivery. 2. Obese pregnant women who require induction of artificial...

Today Tips

"When cold, iron-rich foods such as grapes, raisins, spinach, green vegetables, dried beans, dark fruits, dates, liver and egg yolk, it is important to create a sense of warmth, vitality and stamin...

10 Minutes Perfect Time for Love

During this time many men and women seem to believe in fantasy sex that lasted all night long. But actually the perfect time to feel sexual satisfaction is only 10 minutes of penetration. Popular culture tends to glorify sex relationship with a long time. As a result, there is a perception that sex or sex marathon that lasted a long time regarded as a fun sex. Results of a survey carried out research institute of the Society for Sex Threapy and Research, as reported by on Wednesday (01/26/2011), defines the time range is ideal for sexual activity, is as follows: 1-2 minutes, which is too short sex 3-7 minutes, adequate sex 7-13 minutes, the desired sex 10 minutes, the perfect sex 10-30, which is too long sex This...

Lose Weight Can Make People Pumped

For obese men, weight loss is not only beneficial to health but also eliminate the fat in the genital area that can extend the penis. Not only that, losing weight can also increase libido or sex drive. People who are overweight both men and women, tend to have poor self-image and low energy levels, which in turn can lower sex drive. Lose weight, not only distance themselves from the risk of serious illnesses such as heart disease and diabetes, but also gain double benefit of improving sex drive. Having an ideal body weight can increase a person's self confidence. By having a positive outlook on themselves, then people will more likely be in the mood (mood) is good for sexual activity with a partner. In addition, reported by LIVESTRONG...

Today Tips

"Avocado contains vitamin B5 to help reduce stress, increase stamina also make people excited agai...

Eye Exercises Can Sharpen Brain

Eye exercises, not only can strengthen the muscles around the eyes and improve vision, but also can improve the ability and shrewdness. How do I? Useful addition to the ability of vision, eye exercises can also improve concentration, memory and focus. Reported by LIVESTRONG on Saturday (01/22/2011), here are some ways that can sharpen the brain exercises the brain: 1. Exercise to focus To train the mind focus and attention, ask someone to hold two small objects with different colors, such as colored pencils, small balls of yarn, coins or similar objects, in front or beside her shoulder. Then you try to focus only on one object for a few seconds, then move the focus on the second object. Vary the order of focus and time spent to see...

Sharpen the Brain By Writing

In modern times now, most people prefer to type using a computer keyboard rather than writing with pen and his own hand. In fact, writing by hand to sharpen the brain more than typing. According to the researchers, read and write involves a number of senses in the body so that sharpen the brain's performance. The process of this brain was missing when people switch from pen and book into a computer screen and keyboard. When writing by hand, which involved movement leaving traces in the brain called the sensorimotor. This process helps people to recognize letters. Researchers say, touch and movement of typing on a keyboard to produce different responses in the brain, which means not reinforce the learning mechanism in the same way. "Because...

This is what the brain People who Already Married 20 Years

Some people think that love will fade after the couple married for years. Actually, how the brain activity of married couples for 20 years? A new study published in the December issue of Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience shows people who say he still fell in love with her partner despite two decades of marriage is not something crazy or lying. This is based on the results of MRI brain scans of people who had long been married and still enjoy the wedding. This study shows that there are some couples who are still infatuated with her partner despite 20 years of marriage. Prevailing theory about love is someone going crazy with her partner in the early relationship, but after a couple years will become less passionate and can be...

Today Tips

"The smell of baby powder to increase libido in women by increasing blood flow to the vagina of 13 percent. Apply with a soft baby powder after a bath or on a pillo...

Dangers of Giving Water In Infants Under Age 6 Months

Scientists from the John Hopkins Children's Center in Baltimore, United States reminded the parents to not give water to infants under six months. Why? An expert on emergency child of John Hopkins Children's Center, dr. Jennifer Anders, said the baby's immature kidneys or have not developed completely. Baby's kidneys are not able to release water rapidly, causing the accumulation of water in the body that can harm the baby. Excess provision of water to dissolve sodium (sodium) in blood and bodies will be issued. Losing sodium can affect the brain activity. Liquid also required to drink when thirsty baby is breast milk or formula. Mineral baby's water needs are met when the baby was breastfed or drinking milk formula. Both types of milk...

Food Advice For Pregnant Women

Health and fetal growth is strongly influenced what was devoured by the mother. Each age of fetal development, there are certain nutrients that are needed. So, what is the recommended diet and avoided during the first trimester pregnant women? Let us refer to the following.   The importance of balanced nutrition. In this first trimester, in addition to protein, fat and carbohydrates, a pregnant woman also needs vitamins and minerals. These substances are needed to carry out metabolism (the process of change in food to be used by the body). For example, vitamin B complex, iron (F3) and Zinc is necessary for the body to utilize protein as a builder substance the body's cells. Because the first trimester is a critical period in the formation...

HypnoBirthing Childbirth

HypnoBirthing is a natural method for eliminating fear, panic, tension, and other pressures that haunt you in the face of labor. The method was discovered by Marie F. Mongan in the United States is derived from the word hypnosis (unconscious) and the birthing (delivery). However, these methods do not necessarily make you unconscious during childbirth. Instead you are fully aware and enjoy the process of the birth of the baby. HypnoBirthing more reference to hypnotherapy, ie planting exercise suggestion in the subconscious so that you can control the actions of your conscious when undergoing the process of childbirth. With this method of pain due to contraction that can occur can be minimized. HypnoBirthing method can be applied to the normal...

Today Tips

"Overcome hair loss with a diet rich in amino acids needed for hair growth, such as meat, fish, poultry, dairy products, soy foods and egg...

Watch out, Amblyopia cause loss of vision in children

Amblyopia, one cause of vision loss in children, is reduced vision that occurs because the brain ignores the image received from the eye. Loss of vision may not be recoverable if not diagnosed and treated before age 8 years.   Cause A child's visual channel is not fully developed at birth. The visual system and brain need to be stimulated with a clear, focused, aligned properly, piling images from both eyes in order to develop properly. These developments occurred largely occurred in the first 3 years of age but not perfect until the age of 8 years. If the brain does not get a proper visual stimuli from the eye during the period of development, the brain learns to ignore (hold) the image of the eye, causing loss of vision. If you live...

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